So Many Todays

(1 min read)

I was trying to explain a calendar to my 3-year old who keeps asking when her momma and sissy are coming home from Japan.

I drew out rows of smiley faces – seven across and four down.

“See,” I pointed with my finger. “We count 1-2-3-4-5-6-7̷… Read more...


(45 sec read)

I’ve been writing a lot lately and, like anyone who regularly creates things, I get worried that I’m using it all up, that maybe I should pace myself, but the content seems to be endless.

There’s so much of it. It’s as if I HAVE TO keep going,… Read more...

Vacation Kyle & Retired Bill

(90 sec read)

My friend Kyle takes on a whole new persona when he goes on vacation. His wife has a nickname for it. She calls him “Vacation Kyle”. He’s carefree, takes risks, splurges, does things for the good of the group no matter what. He dances. He plays. He… Read more...

The Real World

(2 min read)

There’s this thing called a Personality Disorder which describes people with very little or no empathy who only think of themselves, need to be the center of attention, and put little focus on sustaining relationships unless they benefit from them directly.


Work in Progress

(20 sec read)

People, like countries, like fine art, like inventions, are always a work in progress.

Even when we think we’ve got it all figured out, the world, in its ever-spinning practical joke, turns up something new for us, changes the weather, and we have to adapt.

It d…

Being Inspired is Hard

(1 min read)

All the books, all the podcasts, they’ll tell you the different ways you can improve, strategies to make yourself become truly alive. So much emphasis on striving, not settling for less than the moon and the rocket ship, when so many of us are just barely getti… Read more...

Years of Sitting Alone

(2 min read)

My grandfather’s favorite thing to do was to sit under an apple tree at the bottom of a hill in his yard and smoke cigars. He’d have his shirt unbuttoned all the way, kind of slouched, moving the cigar to his mouth in a slow, sideways arc.

As a kid I found…

How to Solve Unsolvable Problems

(1 min read)

If you’re ever obsessing over a decision or trying to figure out the best solution to a problem, try this:

Chances are you’ve already explored every possible scenario with your conscious mind. Time to call in the big guns.

Step one: let go of the problem-so…

Caught Scrollin’

(1 min read)

Weakened from the day’s events, both good and bad, I find myself laying on the couch scrollin’ through social media. (At the end of a long day sometimes it seems like the only energy I have left is barely enough to fit inside my thumb.)

Amidst pictures of …

Money & Meaning

(1 min read)

Sitting in a hot tub with two kids, I asked them what they want to be. (I’m allowed to do that because it’s my job.)

One wanted to be a rockstar and restaurant owner at the same time. The other, the older of the two, wanted to make money by doing as little… Read more...