Money & Meaning

(1 min read)

Sitting in a hot tub with two kids, I asked them what they want to be. (I’m allowed to do that because it’s my job.)

One wanted to be a rockstar and restaurant owner at the same time. The other, the older of the two, wanted to make money by doing as little… Read more...

The Email Test

(1 min read)

Here’s a little test for you.

When you’re away from work and wrapped up in something else, the next time your email notification sound goes off on your phone, stop and notice what happens to you. What emotion pops up?

Anxiety? Joy? Wonder? Dread? Resentment?…

Old People Are Less Employable

It’s widely known that employers want young people. Age discrimination is real. Young people have stamina, will work long hours, don’t have preconceived ideas that get in the way. They’re more flexible in their thinking, more willing to adopt the company’s… Read more...

Good Job

(1 min read)

I’m lucky. I get to say things like “I’m glad”, “Good for you,” “You deserve it,” and “I’m so excited for you” every day as part of my job.

I do this by email, by phone, by social media… All day.


Algebra as an Adult

One of my evening’s pleasures is doing Algebra with my daughter. A lot of people don’t know this but I was a Math major before I chose English & Writing. I got up into the rafters of Calculus II before dropping down into the rumpus room of Shakespeare and Hemingwa… Read more...

Hats Off To The Artists

(1 min read)

Hats off to the artists: the fools, the geniuses, the ones insane with love and deep into a pursuit of which they don’t know the ending.

Hats off to the artists: those that dive deep into their own darkness and light every day, bold enough to stare at their soul… Read more...

What Should Be An Easy Choice

(45 sec read)

INSPIRATION is more important than time because inspiration creates time.

It’s like that age-old trick with the genie. Instead of asking the genie for a single wish, one should use the wish to request a thousand more wishes. Right?

Inspiration is that coveted wis…

Greatest Hits Reel

I think we’re present in the wrong emotions. All of us are experts in obsessing over things we forgot to do, did wrong, or can’t control. We perseverate on our failings more than anything else, and I guess that’s about survival: study what went wrong so you can … Read more...

Your Hidden Bonus

That thing you have in your work history that doesn’t fit?

It’s an asset.

Think about it. Everyone’s applying to the same jobs with the same proposal of qualifications, trying to match their lives to the ambitious bullet points in the job requirements as perfectly… Read more...

Cold Showers

If you want to see real change in yourself, start taking cold showers.

When you take a cold shower (or turn the water ice cold at the end as I do), you’re operating from your future self.

Your future self knows how invigorated you will feel after a cold shower. Your future se… Read more...