Too Good To Be True

I was searching for a dining room table on Craig’s List and came across a beauty that fit all of our criteria. AND it was new. AND it was priced at 75% of the retail price, which was still a hefty chunk of change.

When I inquired, the seller came back with an enthusiastic em… Read more...

The Fall of the Liberals

It was a mass extinction. Self-inflicted. Or you might call it mutual homicide by neglect.

From the sky looking down, the pattern of the bodies scattered across each other almost looks beautiful, a mutated end goal, a patchwork quilt of every color imaginable, all types of bodies,… Read more...

The Leader We All Need

Seems like every election cycle is more and more pivotal. Or perhaps we just care more and more as we get older…

Whatever your cause or case or situation, you probably believe, like the rest of us, that this election is going to make or break the country. We’re all hop… Read more...

The Woman Who Let Me In

I’m in standstill traffic driving on a 4-lane road (2 lanes on each side) heading into Santa Cruz for the Fourth of July.

I need to make a right in about a hundred feet but I’m in the left lane. The minute I put on my blinker the driver to my right lurches forward to c… Read more...

White Allies

It’s a beautiful thing to support someone suffering oppression, to be a self-less ally who steps into their own discomfort for the greater good…

But watch yourself, white people. Condemning other white people is the easy way out. Vilification is a selfish act, not a se… Read more...