Sometimes, gratitude isn’t so easy to come by.
If you’re having trouble finding it, here’s some advice: take a crappy vacation.
You don’t have to actually go anywhere; just plan it. Plan it in your head.
Where are you staying?
Are you inside or outside?
What can go wrong? (cuz everything goes wrong on a crappy vacation).
Dive into the dystopia. See what you fear, what you hate the most, what you’re worried about. And experience it. Fully. Feel it for a moment. It’s actually kind of fun — like watching a dark comedy from the safety of your EZ chair, screening your own personal B-movie.
And when it’s over, or it gets to be too much, or it’s just plain boring, you can flick the lights on and get out of there. You can go home. No plane fare (or missed connections) is necessary.
In other words, click them heels, girl!
Crappy vacations are great (whether in real life or in your head) because no matter how crappy they are, when you come back home, the situation you once felt stuck in always seems to feel a little better than you remembered it.
That’s gratitude, baby.
It’s always there for you. Even when you think you got nothing, you got something.