That Judging Thing

Silhouette of persons hand

Don’t judge me!

Sorry. Can’t help it.

We’re designed to judge each other; it’s for our safety and survival.

Our brains make rapid-fire decisions about what we see based on past experience, learned and lived. We tell ourselves (in a split second), we’re … Read more...

Do You Believe In Magic?

woman in fairy costume standing on green field

When people talk about manifesting reality, those around them may roll their eyes.

While I don’t believe we can alter the universe to our own benefit, I do believe we can change our perspective. Or, perhaps, sharpen it.

When we make a decision in our mind that reaches all the… Read more...

Creativity vs. AI

Close up photo of matrix background

I’ve been thinking a lot about AI.

It’s like an overeager assistant starting to do your job. And doing it quite well.

I suppose I should be happy to be able to outsource piles of gruntwork, but I’ve always found peace in the process, a meditation in the mundane.


Jus’ Chillin’

Silver dynamic microphone on black microphone stand

In college, I had a radio show with my friend.

Cliff & Jay, Jus’ Chillin’!

It was a great gig: We had the 2 am to 6 am shift, all the time in the world to comb through WMFO’s massive record collection, including one of the largest jazz portfolios in the Boston… Read more...

One Question, One Click

black and silver door knob

We’re often one question away from peace.

No matter how serious or stressful the situation may feel, if we can figure out the right question to ask (and answer), our suffering will begin to lessen

I ask questions all day long. In some ways I feel like a safe cracker with his … Read more...

Better Than Best

Funny girl with bucket on head sitting in forest

We are quick to applaud those that rise to the top of their class, and, no doubt, they deserve our respect, for it takes hard work and discipline to perform at that level.

But there’s a danger.

When you attach your self-worth to comparative achievement, you’re destined … Read more...


Artist drawing

I was being hard on myself for not finishing a course I’m building.

Then, today after meditating, I remembered myself in high school, in art class, and how long it took me to finish a drawing.

Mr. Cook would usually be the one to say it.

“Cliff, I think you’re just

Finishing Dreams

Child walking on grass path

Whether good or bad,

dreams get into us.

We’ve all had the experience of waking up

or being woken up

in the middle of a dream,

forced to put that dream aside

for reality.

Incomplete dreams are like incomplete conversations,

a puzzle still in pieces.

Freud called them unfulfilled wis…

Burnout’s Nemesis

brown and white cigarette stick

Burnout is real.

And he can sneak up on you quick, disheveled and in a bandit’s mask.

At first, you won’t notice him; you’ve been too busy, that’s how he slips in.

And once he sat down at your workspace, he wouldn’t leave, not of his own accord anyway. … Read more...