White Allies

It’s a beautiful thing to support someone suffering oppression, to be a self-less ally who steps into their own discomfort for the greater good…

But watch yourself, white people. Condemning other white people is the easy way out. Vilification is a selfish act, not a se… Read more...

Kidsized Thoughts

I got to be small for 5 hours between San Francisco and D.C…

Sitting in a plane by the bathroom allows you to experience the world as a child sees it.

There is a continuous line of towering adults standing just inches from you, not paying attention to you, talking above you i… Read more...

Beyonce, Belinda, & Me

A curious thing about me.

I’m a straight man and I love to sing female fight songs – ideally, anything of the “I Will Survive” variety. Songs like Madonna’s “Do You Know What it Feels Like for a Girl”, Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable… Read more...

Stress Dreams

I had a stress dream about being surrounded by skunks, hundreds of them closing in on my feet. I kept thinking, I should jump away, I should jump away, but I can’t jump away because then they’ll attack. So I just stood there, immobile and stressed, until I woke up.


Finding Hope

I talk to a lot of people who have good reasons to give up, reasons I can’t (and don’t) challenge. Often they’re right. Things are dark, the doors have closed, and the hands have slipped into their sleeves. It’s hard to see, let alone walk.

But there is alw…

The Ache of the World

Perhaps it’s the work I do which requires the baring of souls, but I get this feeling that the whole world is aching, as if we’re all burnt and bloodied fragments from the same faraway explosion, a flash of light against the black, casting off descendants in pieces.


Waiting for the Win

(45 sec read)

I wonder.

How much of our mood and our self-efficacy is driven by the chemicals in our body? And how much does that powerful cocktail change during the day? And are we the ones changing it or does the weather have more power than we do, in terms of what we’re c… Read more...

Changing People

If you’re looking to change someone’s mind and by this, I mean their core beliefs, which are usually equivalent to their political views (dangerous turf these days!), I have a strategy for you:

Be patient.

Views honed through decades of experience don’t change wit… Read more...

Doorknob Comments

(1 min read)

Ever notice when talking to someone the most important things come out right when you’re starting to leave, often right when one of you has your hand on the doorknob.

“Oh, I almost forgot… One last thing…”

It’s as if the mind, when p…

How Journaling Saved My Life

I’ve been keeping a journal most of my life.

It started in 9th grade at the demand of Mr. V, my English teacher, who I thought I was fooling when I crammed in a week’s worth of journal entries during homeroom. But thinking is thinking and writing is writing; it doesn&… Read more...