Completing My Biotech Assignment

Close up photography of brown wasp

My daughter gave me a homework assignment before she fluttered off to Santa Cruz for a Girl Scout sleepover:

“I need to catch a fly for Biotech class.”

Easy enough.

Flies seem to find their way into our sunroom all the time. If one didn’t end lifeless on the window sill, I could just trap one in a cup or something.

Funny how I noticed flies for the next 24 hours, buzzing in the air and resting on things. I was patient; no hurry, no need to interrupt a conversation for the capture.

Sure enough, in the early evening, just as I’d finished a beer and was sitting in the sunroom with the empty bottle in my hand, a fly buzzed in and landed on the neck of the bottle, its buzzing coming to a stop.

Perfect. I’ll wait for him to go into the opening of the bottle, clamp my hand over the top, and voila: homework complete.

I sat still, breathing low and steady, as the fly walked jerkily around the lip of the bottle.

(Sipping beer? Enjoying the sugar?).

He rested on the white label, and I could see his body so clearly, the colors, the jaggedness of his front legs as he rubbed them together.

(Cleaning? Licking his chops?)

He crawled back up the neck of the bottle to the lip, circled twice, and finally, after a few seconds of sitting still — the bottle and me and the fly — he dropped into the opening.

But the future was not set.

I didn’t move, whether due to my unplanned habit of stillness or just a change of heart.

My hands stayed where they were.

And the fly came back out.


This wasn’t going to be the fly they used in Biotech class.

We’d shared too much time together. His backstory had been revealed (or conjured; same thing).

I knew I’d made the right decision because as I moved the bottle to the shelf, the fly didn’t fly away; he just enjoyed the ride. Had I placed my face closer to the bottle, I may have heard a miniature “Wheeeee!” and perhaps seen a solitary fly leg raise up in hopes of a high-five.

What about the science of that?

The fly and me. A quiet moment in the sunroom that changed the course of time.

The inevitable healing quality of closeness.

A gesture of hope.

But one that will surely fail Science class.

Why Most Teams Fail at Change

I’ve worked with a lot of managers and a lot of individual contributors so I know what each wants from the other.

I thought it necessary to share, particularly since what each group wants is often in opposition to the other, particularly when it comes to change.

Leaders prefer their team members to come at them with solutions, not problems, whereas team members prefer their bosses to come at them with problems, not solutions.

To clarify, leaders consider problem-reporters complainers. If you really want their ear and their respect (not to mention a promotion), you can’t just point out the problem; you should take the time to come up with some alternatives: a proposal for making things better. The cool part of all of this is it’s actually kind of fun. You get to architect your ideal future and communicate that to someone who can help make it happen.

Contrary to this, team members much prefer it when their supervisor comes to them with a problem, instead of a proposal. When a leader shows up with a solution, especially when that solution impacts the group directly, that leader is alienating themselves from their team. They are deepening the line in the sand between management and non-management. They are, in a sense, picking a fight, which is tragic since team members often have a ‘frontline view’ of the problem that managers can’t see.

When a leader comes to the group with a solution, the conversation that follows is merely to get the team on board and, perhaps more to the point, to make the manager feel better.

That’s not really a conversation.

The team may go through the motions of change and they may actually like the change, but their relationship to management will have permanently shifted.

Perhaps this is why: the lesson learned is that the power of a solution is dictated not by the brilliance of the idea but by the originator of it.

Due to the agreed-upon power dynamic at play, a subordinate’s solution is just a suggestion, while a manager’s solution is a top-down order.

Both parties need to realize this and, if they truly desire to achieve extraordinary things together, should gather all their strength and flip it on its head.

Go On.

When someone breaks something of ours – a thief cracking our window, a boss changing our schedule, a loved one not showing up — we blame them for disrupting our way of being. We villify them.

And perhaps we are right. Maybe they are the evil in our hero’s quest.

But, like an earthquake demolishing a temple, disruption clears a path.

Without our beautiful garden to tend to, we can move in new directions.

It’s hard: to pick up and relocate after a storm.

But in time, we live different, we work different, we love different.

We are powerful creatures.

Like some magical beings, blessed with time and cursed with mortality, we turn pain into beauty and devastation into renewal.

And, in spite of the gauntlet set by the Gods, we go on.

The Last Staple


I finally ran out of staples.

It took 25 years.

In my first job as a temp at the Writer’s Guild of America in Los Angeles, I went into the supply closet after hours and stole a crate of staples. Not a box, a whole crate.

The staples were for my manuscripts.

Writing was my thing. I was going to be a writer, and you had to get published to be a writer, so I temped during the day and wrote at night on my makeshift desk made out of an overturned door and two milk crates (I sat on the floor). Weekends were for mailing out manuscripts to magazines, in between eating 99-cent Big Macs.

I wallpapered my room in rejection letters. It was an act of resilience. You can’t bring me down! The world needs to see my words.

I remember getting a note from Mother Jones telling me they’d publish a story I wrote about three high school kids at a small-town carnival (yes, it was autobiographical; I was in my early twenties), but they’d only publish it if I were willing to rewrite the mom character who, they claimed, “had decidedly loose morals.”

I refused.

Soon, my wall was full of short, impersonal rejections, and it was time to move on. I went to San Francisco, where I still used a door as a desk but put it on two bureaus this time and got a proper chair. It was all email by then, so I’d started using fewer staples. But the rejections still came in the mail.

That wall filled up, too.

I picked up a job as a Recruiting Assistant for Tech Writers, not because I wanted to get into recruiting but because I wanted to be around other writers.

A strange thing happened at that job that I didn’t expect.

I liked it.

I got promoted and mentored. I loved staying late and listening to my bosses talk about clients, listening to our clients talk about their work. I loved finding jobs for people and making enough money to eat the sandwiches I wanted to eat. I was a natural-born matchmaker with an endless appetite for helping people reach their goals.

I got home from work too late to write proposals for magazines. Tomorrow, I thought, but tomorrow I was busy.

The quest for the next rejection letter became less of a priority.

I still wrote in my journal, typed out short stories, and scrawled ideas down on postcard mailers.

I’d developed a writer’s mind. I’d never see the world the same way.

I write without paper or screen. I write my thoughts, short stories always playing back in my head. It keeps me company, kind of like the young Cliff is always with me. He works hard. Gotta respect that.

My stories no longer needed staples. Everything was mostly email anyway. Over the years the need to fasten paper together all but disappeared. I’d use maybe 1 or 2 staples per month, for poems to girlfriends, lease agreements, letters of resignation, conference handouts, internet recipes, school field trip forms…

It took a while to empty out the last refill, but it happened: I pressed down on the stapler and nothing came out.

It made me laugh out loud, alone in my office. I almost teared up.

Coincidentally, I had a client later that day who had confessed to not caring about his work for most of his twenties, but then at 28, he decided to get serious. That’s why he’d called me: to get serious.

“I can relate,” I said, thinking about the trip into the supply closet 25 years ago.

It wasn’t just that I needed staples for manuscripts; it was a big fuck you to all those cubicles, the grey walls and fluorescent lights, the pompous guy in the elevator, the forbidden 5th floor. It was me shrugging off the persona of an employee and staking my claim as a writer. It was a tribute to my mind.

But, eventually, like my client, I got serious. Or found my calling. Or got sick of being broke. Or whatever.

It doesn’t matter.

It was a fortuitous turn: letting go of what I was meant to be and recognizing what I already was. And that those two things were actually not that far apart.

To be honest, I’m really only certain of one thing.

It’s gonna be weird buying staples.

Tricky Trick

photo of man walking of foot bridge

Some days, I feel like I’ve cracked the code in making a living, that I’ve created a business where I draw people to me at the most pivotal times in their lives, a facilitator of change, a beacon of hope (and paid for it too!)

Unabashedly me. And the “me” part is my secret weapon.

Other days, I feel like I’m just another sprinter in a race as wide as the nation,

moving things around vigorously with my head down,

trying to “prove my value” before people even meet me,

peeking around the corner at a giant blank space on the other side of my appointments.

Keep moving, Cliff.

Fill the slots, change the lives.

I produce happiness… at scale. And sometimes even that, in all its nobility, can feel like a production line.

Fill the slots, change the lives.

Good news: I’ve found a way out of this mindset, a way to go from the dark to the light, or from the darkside to the brightside, as it were : )

The trick is to go smaller, to narrow my field of view.

If I focus on the connection in front of me instead of the line of connections I need to keep making… well, then I’m good.

And it’s all good.

But goddamn, that can be a tricky trick to play!

To feel each step instead of the distance in front of you.

To notice the faces of the other runners, and not just the outlines.

To feel the breeze without fear of the storm.

Reframing reality without lying to yourself is like walking across a long, skinny plank over shark-infested waters. In a hurricane.

I pretty much live on that plank, and I’ve gotten so I can do backflips on it without faltering. I walk the plank for myself and I take my clients across it 3-4 times per day.

That’s what us coaches do: we show you the narrow bridge that you missed.

And our faith in its strength is all that holds it up.

I told you, it’s a tricky trick.

Or a God-given talent.

Depends on the day.

Some Things Never Change

Even as a child,

I’d leave behind the chaos of the monkey bars at recess

and go lay down in the shaded dark green grass by an abandoned remnant of playground equipment: a lone pole with a chain attached at the top.

And I’d listen to the sound of the chain clanging into the pole in the wind, taking position as “first chair” in the cacophonous orchestra around me.





I loved the tone of it.


And the silence between the notes.


( )


( )

Sometimes I’d lay there until the teacher called us back in to line up.

Her voice was startling but welcome.

Even then, I was puzzled by the lines we were forced to make,

amused by the exaggerated anger and sadness in the faces around me as we filed back into the school,

comforted by the sound of the chain as we entered the familiar hall lined with faux cinderblocks and fluorescent lighting.

There was something more alive in that chain than anything else on the school yard,

the whispers of sages across millennia.

It’s so wonderful to look back at your childhood and see yourself doing the things that make you who you are today.

It’s like having your soul wink back at you.

In all the chaos of being an adult, a dad, a business owner, I still hear the chain.

And the silence.

The Nick

I love my car.

Excessively so.

I wash it by hand. I never park under trees or power lines. I try not to take it out in the rain.

I talk to it. “Good to see you… Sorry about the rain.”

So when I came out of Rockin’ Jump Trampoline World and saw that my driver’s side door had been nicked down to the primer, it just about ruined my day: a white scratch in the shape of a backward’s L, clear as day.

There was a note stuffed into the crack between the window and the door.

“Sorry my door scratched your car. Please call me if you want to repair.”

The big looping letters had been scrawled quickly on the last page of a checkbook, torn haphazardly along the top edge.

The note helped. It kept me from slipping into anger. (It’s so easy to be angry at someone who isn’t there.)

I imagined a mom pulling into the space next to mine, her exuberant teenager bounding out of the car before she could stop him.

Her day ruined too.

The scratch got bigger in my mind as I drove home. It’s all I could think about. I called my dad. He loves his car too. He was able to talk me down.

As luck would have it, I already had an appointment scheduled with the auto shop to get my car serviced. I pointed out the scratch.

“Probably $600-$700.”


“Let me guess. Parking lot?” the guy asked.

“Yeah. They left a note.”

“Phone number?”

“Yup, said they’d pay for it.”

“We should do a separate invoice, then,” he said.

It was a done deal in his mind.

I pictured the mom scolding her boy in the parking lot, calling her partner to confess, going on with her day, waiting for my call, perhaps researching the cost and regretting she’d written the note, which would be a shame because it was such a nice note.

Such a nice gesture.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said to the shop guy.

I bought a $12 touch-up paint pen instead.

“It won’t look like new,” he said, handing me the pen.

“That’s okay.”

“You are kind!”

It was strange, the way he said it. He emphasized the word kind, with surprise in his voice, almost like an accusation more than a compliment.

“I am kind,” I said, wearing the word like a badge.

I knew my next move.

I waited until I got my car back. The nick was actually shrinking now.

I called the number on the back of the check book and took my time leaving a a lusciously kind voicemail.

“Hello, I’m the guy whose car you scratched by accident. You’re awesome for leaving that note. It really helped a lot. So thank you for that. Don’t worry about the repair. I’m not going to ask you to pay for any of it. And no need to call me back. Just have a lovely day. One good turn deserves another.”

A $500 phone call.

And it felt gooooood.

I pictured her face softening, taking a second to quietly love a stranger, and then going back to helping her energetic teen with his homework.

This may or may not have been happening, but it didn’t matter, because this was happening:

I sat in my beloved car a few minutes longer, phone in my lap, windows rolled up, relishing what my $500 had bought me.

I rubbed the dashboard, warm from the sun. “We did a good thing.”

It’s been a few days since the incident.

I still haven’t painted it over, the nick that almost ruined my day.

Perhaps if all of us focused a bit more on receiving and spreading kindness instead of just trying to get what we’re owed, we’d be in a better place.

Never Too Much Love

Foggy window heart

One thing you can never overdo is love.

“Stop loving me so much!” — said no one ever.

Iterating and reiterating love is always welcome.

Even better than that? Finding a new way to love someone, or a new thing to love about them. Or (oh yes!) a new thing to love about yourself. Indeed one inevitably leads to the other: outward love to inward love and inward love to outward love.

To clarify, I’m not talking about romance here. Romantic love feels huge to us but is actually quite small when compared to the other loves.

The best loves are unrequited; they seek nothing in return. Their only purpose is to allow us to reach another heart, something at which we cannot fail if we truly want it to happen.

So, go out and love. Love with words. Love with action. Love in secret. Love in the beautiful light of day. Love when it hurts and love when you don’t think you can.

Whichever direction you face, however loud or soft your message, that love you send is for you. It will land on you. It will nourish you in ways you weren’t expecting.

Love is the only thing you get more of when you give it away.

A resource we can’t deplete.

But all need.

And deserve.

Good Is Good

black trash bin on sidewalk during daytime

I’ve noticed this scenario with activist groups:

PROTESTER 1: We did it! We got them to make a change.

PROTESTER 2: Well, we never should have had to fight for this in the first place.

Or this…

PROTESTER 1: We raised $100,000!

PROTESTER 2: Yeah, but what about all the families who didn’t get any aid?

Both protesters are correct.

#2 is more righteous than #1 but her comments are not necessarily more helpful.

One thing I’ve learned about fighting a moral fight is that Good is Good. Any change from less good to more good should be celebrated.

A slightly better rule.
A small shift in sentiment.
A soft-spoken yes

A good act is always good.

A narrow-minded person becoming a little less narrow-minded is a victory.

This can be hard to see against the backdrop of extraordinary pain and suffering.

When a sliver of light comes in the window, it’s okay to reach out and put our hand in it.

It’s the warmth that keeps us going.

Saying Goodbye to Clé

Closeup photo of assorted color marble ball lot

I’ve had a knot in my stomach since I heard the news.

And then this morning, in that spiritual space between dreaming and waking, I was gifted with this:

Pulling into the driveway on Hope Hill Road. 🙂

What a wonderful place! There were always rows of cars in the driveway, even pulled up onto the grass. It was the hangout house, a place for us teens to congregate.

But this time, there were no cars in the driveway, no tire tracks in the grass. I got out of my car — I was on the passenger side for some reason — went up the short stone staircase and opened the door. (One never needed to knock on Hope Hill Road.)

“Hi, Cliff.”

The voice came from my left, from a room that doesn’t exist in that house. I know it doesn’t exist because I spent a lot of time in that house. It was my second home, sometimes my first.

“Hey, Mrs. P_____________”

She was sitting there on the cement floor, which was wet with puddles soaking stacked boxes amidst sparse furniture. It was obvious she was packing up.

In her hands, she held a jumbo tan cube eraser which had a hole in the top and holes in each of sides with straws, cut lengthwise, attached to each side.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“You made it,” she said, holding it up.

I had no idea what it was. She continued to look up at me from the floor. She had the same short white hair I’ve always known her to have. And I’d known her a long time, almost my whole life. Since kindergarten.

I was a weird kid. I had a weird mom, gushing with incredible love but lacking any type of boundaries so that her love just flowed over everything, drown some things, washed away landscapes in seconds.

“What’s it for?” I asked.

She handed me the strange contraption along with a handful of marbles. They clacked together as she passed them to me.

“You wanted to create a toy that was different every time.”

I put the curious thing on the ground and dropped a marble into the top hole. It flew out the side and rolled across the wet floor.

She was looking at me, not the marble. I could finally decipher that look; it was the look she’d given me throughout my childhood and teenage years, into college: a patient look, a proud look, like she could see something in me that I couldn’t see and she was just waiting for me to see it.

She always laughed at my weirdness, pointed out the cleverness in my metaphors, supported me in seeing the world through the cracked prism I was born with.

She seemed to always be there.

She’d come into the basement while we were playing pool and grab something off the couch, or she’d descend the porch steps with huge, dripping slices of watermelon, to briefly interrupt our volleyball game.

Clé was always there, and though we were teens who were constantly seeking to be left alone, I secretly appreciated being watched, finally comfortable with being my irrational self because I knew there were rational hands nearby.

It’s my hunch that others felt that way too. That’s why we all went there.

“Put another one in,” she said, still looking at me.

I dropped another marble in, and it slid out the side, same one as the first.

“It doesn’t work,” I said.

“You’re so unique,” she said softly.

I looked down at my invention, so ugly and clever. Around the rim of the top hole, I could see the black marks of the ballpoint pen I had used to carve it out, something I did while sitting in class.

It was definitely mine.

“Go ahead,” she said.

I carefully funneled the entire handful of marbles into the hole. They flowed in all directions, down the wilted straws, and across the hard cement floor. They rolled through the puddles, under the remaining furniture, thudded into the boxes all around us…

She laughed, or did that giggle thing in the back of her throat that she does. Her watchful, tireless eyes followed the bouncing, rolling marbles on their chaotic paths.

“Thank you,” I said, staring at the marbles with her, following their crooked lines as best I could until all of the wonderous colliding and the echoing stopped completely, and there was no movement left to share with her.

Suddenly I was older, no longer a teen.

It seemed strange to be standing there in the silence, no longer certain what my role was.

She took the lead (once again) and got back to her boxes.

“Matthew’s out back,” she said, giving my heart something familiar.

“Thanks,” I said, and the room became warm, the puddles gone, light coming in from everywhere, making the marbles sparkle and glimmer like stars fallen out of the sky.

She seemed content with what she was doing.

Okay. I can take it from here.