Who Are The Strong Ones?

Lonely Tree

How noble is it to fight for the status quo, when you’re the one who is benefiting from it the most?

How courageous is it to follow the ideas, the rules, and the body you were born into?

Isn’t it braver and more admirable to walk into the wind, to stand up at the dinner… Read more...

Squeakers & Non Squeakers

Portrait photo of smiling man in black real madrid printed t shirt posing with his thumbs up

They say the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

I guess that means I get no oil.

That’s okay.

When I’m looking for a gutter cleaner or a floor refinisher, I try and be as nice and accomodating as possible.

Have to call me back? No problem. Can’t fit me in this week? That&#… Read more...

The Ones Not In The Room

Solo porque quiero

Most of us are haters, though we hate to admit it.

We are so quick to hate someone outside the room.

We’re particularly good at this when the person outside the room has wronged a person inside the room.

And we’re bonafide pros at hating when the person inside the room i… Read more...

Searching For Something

Person in blue denim jeans sitting on boat

It’s counterintuitive.

The more intensely you search, the more you underscore that achy feeling that something is missing.

It’s like when you misplace your keys…

It can ruin your morning.

You would have been much better off not knowing they were gone.

Or at least not…

It Ain’t The Constraints

green grass field

Our instinct is to resent constraints.

All of us struggle with telling our life’s story on a single page. And all of us wish we had more hours in the day…

Under such constraints, we often give up and then blame these limitations for our failure.

But if you can put all th…

Telling It Like It Is

Truth suffers a daily death in modern day America.  Random card found on a parking lot along Interstate 294, outside Chicago.

Be careful when you hear someone say “I’m just telling it like it is.”

This is a shrouded sentence, a hedge to hind behind.

They’re incorrectly inferring there is a singular truth and that they are the brave one who is willing to utter that truth, even if it… Read more...

Moments Like These

yellow banana fruits on pink surface

Boat trips, hotel suites, and private beaches are nice but it’s moments like these that make my heart full and put me at ease.

ACT 1:

[Husband and wife in kitchen, standing around table.]

I guess we could make the salmon.

Yeah, it’s gonna go bad.

[Man pulls out salmon. Put…