White Allies

It’s a beautiful thing to support someone suffering oppression, to be a self-less ally who steps into their own discomfort for the greater good…

But watch yourself, white people. Condemning other white people is the easy way out. Vilification is a selfish act, not a se… Read more...

Kidsized Thoughts

I got to be small for 5 hours between San Francisco and D.C…

Sitting in a plane by the bathroom allows you to experience the world as a child sees it.

There is a continuous line of towering adults standing just inches from you, not paying attention to you, talking above you i… Read more...

Beyonce, Belinda, & Me

A curious thing about me.

I’m a straight man and I love to sing female fight songs – ideally, anything of the “I Will Survive” variety. Songs like Madonna’s “Do You Know What it Feels Like for a Girl”, Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable… Read more...

Changing People

If you’re looking to change someone’s mind and by this, I mean their core beliefs, which are usually equivalent to their political views (dangerous turf these days!), I have a strategy for you:

Be patient.

Views honed through decades of experience don’t change wit… Read more...

Inventors & Investors

There is a push and pull between inventors and investors – sometimes a dance, sometimes a fist fight. This plays out with entrepreneurs and VCs, startup founders and startup funders, artists and agents, designers and financiers…

The goal of inventors is to protect the … Read more...

Rule Makers

(1 min read)

Beware of the people who make the rules, for every organism has embedded in its center the drive for self-preservation.

It goes against nature to create a rule that will harm itself. Like a child picking a branch with which to be beaten, the rule maker will likely cho… Read more...

The Power We Have

(2.5 min read)

Our local Safeway lines are the worst. Doesn’t matter how busy the store is, you will always have to wait.

My daughter and I were playing that game where you guess which line will go more quickly. She stood in one and I stood in the other. She started winning.… Read more...

Meaningful Change

(1 min read)

Becoming is incremental.

You don’t wake up one day and – BAM – you’re lost. Or – VOILA – enlightenment.

Meaningful change takes time and happens so slowly you can’t witness any one piece of it, like leaves turning from green to… Read more...

Not Worth It

(1 min read)

When people rub us the wrong way whether in person or via social media we may decide to shut down the relationship – taking the position that “they’re not worth it,” meaning this particular person is not worth the energy it takes to engage the… Read more...

The Real World

(2 min read)

There’s this thing called a Personality Disorder which describes people with very little or no empathy who only think of themselves, need to be the center of attention, and put little focus on sustaining relationships unless they benefit from them directly.
