A Gift From Someone Who Loves You

It seems obvious but I’ll say it anyway:

If you want to ensure you have a good day, it’s really up to you.

I mean this in a very logistical way. A surefire practice you can start doing to give yourself a smile is to be the first one to reach out. You will rarely be dis… Read more...

Cold Showers

If you want to see real change in yourself, start taking cold showers.

When you take a cold shower (or turn the water ice cold at the end as I do), you’re operating from your future self.

Your future self knows how invigorated you will feel after a cold shower. Your future se… Read more...

What to do with Bad Feelings

I learned long ago that the bad feelings don’t go anywhere, especially if you try to pretend they’re not there. You can’t compress them into nothing, even with years of weight.

No, the only option, really, in order to get them out, is to let them live inside of y… Read more...


Life becomes unbearably hard as we get older. Piercing despair is already programmed in, particularly if we’ve led a life full of love, giving, connecting, and sharing.

Sometimes the pain gets so great, it’s hard to see or feel anything else. You immediately forget wha… Read more...

Where Newness Lies

No matter how great yesterday was, we tend to plateau. Eventually, we get bored of our days (again) and long for NEWNESS: new experiences, new feelings, the rewarding climb to the next plateau.

This may sound crazy and you may hate me for saying this but I think we hide our own ma… Read more...

The Beauty of Bottom Up

Grassroots movements look very similar in the beginning:

A handful of people, tired but excited, sitting in someone’s living room or in a church rec room (thank God for churches!) on a weekday evening, big smiles and big ideas.

Not much gets done in the first meeting. It take… Read more...

Playing With Dolls

My daughter loves to play with dolls, these little miniature things, where she holds the legs and walks for them and flips around in the air while creating whispering little dialogues.

It’s the cutest thing ever.

Last night she invited me to play with her: “This one has… Read more...

An Important Letter

Dear _______________,

I want you to know that I’m happy about the person I’ve become.

I’m not perfect, I’m not always smiling, but I have a fire inside that never seems to go out, a fire you put there, or rather, spent years tending to, adding layers upon la… Read more...

Too Tired

When you’re tired and you need to stay productive, you have 2 options:

The first option is to do something that pulls your mind away from the task at hand and restores your energy level – take a walk, do some sit-ups, call a friend, read a book, eat a carrot. Your seco… Read more...