Your Own Podcast

White earphones on black surface

When we’re going from point A to point B, our instinct is to plug into a podcast. It’s become our thing.

I guess we feel less like we’re wasting time if we have information flowing into our heads, especially when we’re doing something mundane, like cleaning… Read more...

The Art of Chill

Multicolored abstract painting

The Art of Chill evolves over time. It’s a craft I’ve been practicing since birth.

In youth, it’s about taming your anxiety about the future, being okay with not knowing what lies ahead, taking your hits gracefully. It’s remaining poised and relaxed while … Read more...


Old School Arcade Games

I wouldn’t say I grew up in a bar…

But there were a few formative years where I spent a lot of time in one.

Fiddler’s Green: a dive bar with an attached restaurant on Center street.

My dad’s best friend was the bartender, so he always sat at the bar and order… Read more...

Hidden Moments

Photography of city

If I hadn’t stopped scrolling, I wouldn’t have started petting Ziggy.

If I hadn’t pet Ziggy, he never would have put his head in my lap and looked at me with those eyes to take him for a walk.

If I hadn’t gone for a walk, I would not have run into the Italia… Read more...

The Troll Game

Attentive boy sitting on bed and playing card game at home

I agreed to play 30 consecutive games of Castle Mania with Hazel, or “The Troll Game” as we call it. (She had advocated for 50 games but I talked her down.)

Castle Mania is a simple but surprisingly suspenseful card game where you team up with each other to prevent a p… Read more...

Roller Coasters with Evaline

It’s one of our favorite things to do: blow off the day and go to Six Flags.

For me, it’s a way to remember I’m alive, that I’m in control of my destiny, and that I value fun, awakedness, and spontaneity more than the other stuff.

For her… well, I̵…

Everyday Meaning

View of the rock in the ocean

I got lucky. Or the opposite.

Whatever… I’ve created a mechanism that draws people to me who are in a dilemma and ready for something new.

And they ask me with the passion and wonder of a child shouting to the ocean,

“What should I do?”

What a gift: to be brou…

Give ’em a Beard!

Gray scale bearded man

A creative writing professor once told me, “If you’re bored with one of your characters, try giving ’em a beard.” It became a thing. When something was off in one of our stories, he’d slam the paper down and yell out “Give ’em a beard!… Read more...