Big Microphones

Silver dynamic microphone on black microphone stand

We’d be a lot better off if the people with microphones would commit to saying positive things more often.

Oh, the progress we’d make if we chose to CREATE rather than CRITIQUE!

It’s okay to not like something.

But does that dislike have to be said out loud, into a… Read more...


Shallow photography of usa flag

Freedom is a weird thing.

When we declare one freedom, we take away a bunch of others.

If I’m free to drive any speed I want without stopping, then pedestrians lose the freedom to cross the street.

If I’m free to put a stake in the ground and declare a piece of land my h… Read more...

Changing The Color of Shadows

Taken from the Sky Lift at the WI State Fair, August 2017

What good are opinions?

When you stop to think about it, they’re for the opiner more than anyone, a way to say, “I’m here.”

But it’s more than that.

When I hear people giving their opinion, the refrain I hear in my head is usually one of two things:


There Are Good People Everywhere

landscape photography of seashore during daytime

There are good people everywhere.

Better than that.

Everyone is changing,

like the glint of the sun reflected on the ocean:

a thousand slivers of light

wiggling gently

taking shape,


coming back together,

And, each one of us,

A god for all the others.

With the vibrations in our v…

Who Are The Strong Ones?

Lonely Tree

How noble is it to fight for the status quo, when you’re the one who is benefiting from it the most?

How courageous is it to follow the ideas, the rules, and the body you were born into?

Isn’t it braver and more admirable to walk into the wind, to stand up at the dinner… Read more...

The Ones Not In The Room

Solo porque quiero

Most of us are haters, though we hate to admit it.

We are so quick to hate someone outside the room.

We’re particularly good at this when the person outside the room has wronged a person inside the room.

And we’re bonafide pros at hating when the person inside the room i… Read more...

Searching For Something

Person in blue denim jeans sitting on boat

It’s counterintuitive.

The more intensely you search, the more you underscore that achy feeling that something is missing.

It’s like when you misplace your keys…

It can ruin your morning.

You would have been much better off not knowing they were gone.

Or at least not…

The Gender Unicorn

I struggle with the new language of gender.

How can one person be a “They.” It don’t square.

I’m an English major. Grammar is God.

But as I make my glued-together argument to preserve the language of my grandfather…

Half the world’s population is g


Faceless woman with cardboard box on head against pond

Stereotypes put people in boxes.

When you act on a stereotype, you’re making assumptions based on your ideas about the group you think they belong to. By limiting who they can be before you actually meet them, you’re limiting what you both can gain.

That’s right, …