One Conversation

Descent Into The Mist

Whatever happened, or didn’t happen…

You are always one conversation away from making it right.

And the more difficult the conversation, the more important it is to have and the more beautiful the landscape on the other side.

Wisdom comes from failure; love from loneline…

What Creates Kindness?

Finding my roots

Are we innately driven to be kind? Or do we have to work at it?

Is kindness linked to some greater purpose or is it just another goal.

Why am I so obsessed with it?

Where did it come from?

My parents are certainly kind. My mom was a nurse, not just in profession but in her heart. She… Read more...

Creative Collaboration

Lately, I’ve been writing about how to replenish yourself in times of stagnancy and distress. Here’s another trick for you:

Creative Collaboration.

Creative Collaboration manufacturers hope. If you’re feeling low, if you can’t find the BrightSide, find a fri… Read more...

Good Men

Men Hugging In a Crowded Room

I listened to a 15-minute podcast yesterday about two men hugging in a hallway.

They’d both lost their moms.

One was a young man, a high school student who had shut himself down in every way. The other was a football coach who “didn’t normally do that sort of thin… Read more...

Big Microphones

Silver dynamic microphone on black microphone stand

We’d be a lot better off if the people with microphones would commit to saying positive things more often.

Oh, the progress we’d make if we chose to CREATE rather than CRITIQUE!

It’s okay to not like something.

But does that dislike have to be said out loud, into a… Read more...

Much Ado in the Hotel Lobby

Empty dining tables and chairs

My mom is starting to lose her memory.

Sometimes there are sweet moments, like how she reveres a sunset from her balcony while we drink Budweiser tall-boys.

And then there are the hard moments, like when I watch her forget where she is while walking down the street, when she messe… Read more...

Too Emotional

On the way to camp this morning, we passed Hazel’s elementary school and she started sobbing. I asked her what was wrong, though I already knew.

“I miss Miss Zimmerman,” she said from the back seat. And then she cried real hard, as if the words out loud were tell… Read more...


Shallow photography of usa flag

Freedom is a weird thing.

When we declare one freedom, we take away a bunch of others.

If I’m free to drive any speed I want without stopping, then pedestrians lose the freedom to cross the street.

If I’m free to put a stake in the ground and declare a piece of land my h… Read more...